Friday, June 7, 2013

Busy Week

Well, about one more week now until my summer classes start.  These past few weeks I've been working at the map library on campus, but this coming week, I am doing a little traveling.

First stop tomorrow is Scott and Erika's house.  Chris, Knox, and I will spend the night at their house (super excited to see the house they just bought!").  It'll be really nice to catch up with them.

Second stop will be at Aunt Mia's house Sunday morning for Daryl's graduation.  Woohoo!!  It's also been a really long time since I've seen them!  It'll be nice for Chris to meet them also.  We'll be camping at a campground near Aunt Mia's house Sunday night and then it's time to hit the road again.

Third stop will be Crivitz, WI.  Mainly I'm just dropping Chris off at his parent's house, but I might stay to visit if there are people home.  They will probably be working though.

Fourth stop...Marquette!  Last time I was in Marquette was mid-march, so hopefully it is really green now!  Plans for when I'm home include: hanging out with the kiddos, seeing The Great Gatsby with Mom, hanging out with Casey (and making her wrap my bridal shower gift), meeting up with Ellen, dentist appointment, Lindsey's bridal shower, and going to Messiah for church Sunday morning.

I'll leaving Marquette Sunday after church and then head back to Crivitz to pick up Chris.  I'll probably stay there for lunch or something before we hit the road to head back to Minneapolis.

One more thing...

After Chris's Buick was stolen, he started driving his Aunt's vehicle (and she bought a new one).  But now, the Buick was found by the police and Chris plans on selling it (maybe just for parts).  He gave back his aunt's vehicle so she can sell it (for more than what Chris could afford) and now Chris bought a 1994 Ford Tempo.  Here's a picture...