Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Sunday everyone! Today has been a good day, minus harry jumping up on my bed like a crazy dog and attacking my face this moring. We sang some good songs in church this morning. "Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim. Till all the world adore, His sacred name." Love that song. And i LOVE to sing. I'm liking it more and more everyday. Singing in the car while I drive is probably one of my most favorite things to do.

Also, this morning at church, I mentioned to Pastor Dave that I was interested in going on the Colombia mission trip. I want to go sooooo bad. I've wanted to go on a mission trip for so long, but never had the chance to. The cost is around $1500 per person though...not sure if I'll have that much money. But, maybe some St. Mark's folks will be willing to help me? That would be wonderful.

I just got back from two meetings. One was for my Interp class, and the other was for my Eval/Research class. Neither one was very productive. This is exactly why I'm not a fan of group work. I have a presentation with my group on the monday after thanksgiving for my eval/research class, and also a presentation on the tuesday after thanksgiving with my group for my Interp class. That week will not be fun. But it's only one more week, and then finals, and then done!! It goes by so fast, yet not fast enough.

I am super excited for Thanksgiving. I think it's probably my favorite holiday. I LOVE green bean caserole. We're going out to my aunt's for dinner, then afterwards I'm going out to my dad's to roast some pecans and maybe some almonds. MMMM MMMMMMM. Can't wait. Also, the shopping. I love the shopping the day after. Hopefully there will be some good sales!! I kind of hope the Flip camera will have a good deal. I want one of those.

I've been preparing for my WEA (Wilderness Education Association) Stewardship Winter Camping Course. We will be camping for nine days in the snow! I'm a little nervous, but also excited to experience something new. Maybe it'll give me some ideas for a book. (btw, I'm still working on stories to put up in here.)

So much is going on this semester. I'm glad it's keeping me busy. But I can't wait till our winter break when I can be doing things for me, and not for classes. When I can read a book I want to read, and not a text book. Can't wait. I'll keep you posted on what book I choose to read. Maybe the second Harry Potter book, maybe The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, or maybe I'll re-read Eclipse. So many choices, and so little time.

<>< Dulcey

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