Sunday, October 30, 2011

I want this jacket sooooo bad!!!  WHY does it have to be $300 dollars?!?!  And WHY do I feel like I need this so badly.  It's quite annoying.  Explain this to me Lacey.

Brittany's back!  As much as I enjoyed the apartment to myself, it's really nice to have her back...someone to talk to.  Haha I think I might be annoying her with my talking.  I think I drank too much coffee this morning.

Yesterday I was so productive that today I don't have anything to do.  I wish the pool was open.  I'd go down there and swim some more laps.  I'm feeling a bit lazy today.

I'm really loving all the horror movies on TV this past week.  I've watched sooo many....Halloween, Friday the 13th (remake), 30 days of Night, Prom Night, Twilight, and Casper.  Well, maybe those last two aren't horror.  AND, I'll be watching Paranormal Activity 2 tonight with Chris!!  Has anyone watched the FX show American Horror Story?  There's a marathon on tomorrow of the shows it's had so far.  I think I might watch some of them.  It looked pretty good.

Well, let's hope my day gets more eventful.  I'll be watching the Lions game in a little bit.  GO DETROIT!!

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